And cue music

Posted: Thursday, July 19, 2012 by Travis Cody in

Cat update:  Hair and make-up evidently have lost my previous memos vis-a-vis the hair...loose and flowing rather than done up tight.  But I'll give them a pass this week because wardrobe really came through.  The red dress was step-over-lip-lock gorgeous.

Mom, Pam, and I were completely unanimous this week with our favorites.  We all think that Sonja Tayeh has matured as a much so that even her quirkier, darker routines have grown into sophisticated, evocative pieces. 

Yup.  We thought it was Sonja's night.  Our favorites are the interpretations of her work.

Our first favorite was the jazz from 18 year old contemporary dancer Audrey Case and 21 year old contemporary dancer Matthew Kazmierczak.  Click here if the video doesn't play.

Our next favorite, and our choice for dance of the night, was the contemporary from 18 year old contemporary dancer Amelia Lowe and 19 year old contemporary dancer Will Thomas.  Click here if the video doesn't play.

Jazz and contemporary pieces made by an outstanding choreographer and brought to life by excellent dancers.  Good stuff.

Oh!  Bonus!  This is the Top 20 group routine that opened the show, choreographed by Tabitha and Napoleon D'Umo.

Sadly, last night was also about eliminations.  Everybody got to dance a routine.  Then the bottom 3 guys and bottom 3 gals were revealed based on last week's viewer votes.  Here's the result.

The bottom 3 gals were Alexa, Janaya, and Witney.  The judges decided to save Witney, so both Alexa and Janay were eliminated.

Alexa Anderson, 19 year old contemporary dancer from Chandler AZ

Janaya French, 20 year old lyrical contemporary dancer from Aurora CO

The bottom 3 guys were Chehon, Daniel, and Nick.  The judges decided to save Chehon, so both Daniel and Nick were eliminated.

 Daniel Baker, 24 year old ballet dancer from Newcastle, Australia

Nick Bloxsom-Carter, 20 year old ballroom dancer from Oak Park CA

Tune in next week for the return of full recaps. 

Later gang!


  1. Ivanhoe says:

    Wow! Those kids can move! I have been watching Bond movies. Encore has Bond on every night in July :)
    Hugs from Ohio,

  1. Jean(ie) says:

    Just dropping by to say hello, Travis. Hope you're enjoying your vacation!

  1. I almost watched this last night. Knowing that you like it and I think you're a pretty smart guy. But then I got distracted by reruns of Big Bang theory. ;)

  1. Cherie says:

    Those two routines were certainly compelling. I hadn't quite figured out how the whole elimination thing was working last night, so thanks for 'splaining it. :)

  1. DrillerAA says:

    It never ceases to amaze me what the human body is capable of, given the right training and talent. These kids are a joy to watch.
    It is always sad to see someone eliminated, but that is part of the show. It certainly won't get any easier.