500 Visits!!

Posted: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 by Travis Cody in

Hey! I just noticed that I've topped 500 visits since Nov 11!!

Woooooooo!! Thanks for checking out my place gang!! Ah yeah - let's shake a tail feather babies!!!

Now, this in no way takes the sting out of my poor Irish getting waxed tonight by LSU in the Sugar Bowl. I'm totally bummed about that. Congrats to LSU. Go Irish!!

But I just embedded a video in my blog!!! And now that I know how to do this, let's party with a classic!!



  1. TopChamp says:

    Nice round number! Congrats... Not cracked the video yet... but I'm still stuck on audio codes so I suppose it's not shocking.

    I love it when a blogread of a morning sends me off to office job land with a big smile - cheers!

  1. Liz Hill says:


    not as much fun as seeing YOU do it buddy but


  1. Maryfly says:

    *jumps up and down* Love the Blues Brothers!! WOOOOOOOOO!!

    *grabs Turn and spins her*

    Congrat's on 500 - hugs

  1. Julie says:

    Woooo Travis sweetie!!! Great videos! But I can't see your blog counter now! Did it explode when it hit 500? And who knew that spiderman dances?


  1. Topchamp: I luvs to send folks off with smiles.

    Turn: Hehehehehehe.

    Mary: **grabs Mary & Turn and spins them both**

    Julie: Hmmmm - the counter must have stepped out for a quick pee!!