4000 visitors!

Posted: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 by Travis Cody in

Shake a tail feather babies!!

Thanks for the visits y'all!

This clip is incredible.

Ooops! Bee just reminded me...here's the CAKE!


  1. Gail says:

    I'm glad to be one of those 4,000!!

    Thank you for allowing me into a small part of your world and for making mine brighter!

    I am blessed to have found you, and am proud to call you friend.

  1. Julie says:

    Wooo Travis!

    **tosses flaming walnuts and milkduds....thinks about and scrambles up the milkduds for herself***

    Congratulations my dear!

  1. congratulations trav!! is there cake?

    smiles, bee

  1. Neila says:

    Congrats, Travis! I'll pour the coffee to go with that cake!! :-)

  1. Danielle says:

    OOooo I want some of that cake.

    You are true to yourself with this blog, my friend. That's why we keep on stopping by.

    Be well sweets

  1. Julie says:

    I thought I smelled CAKE!

    **grabs a slice and sits down**

  1. Gail: Right back atcha darlin!

    Julie: Hey! Come back here and share those milkduds!

    Bee: I got some CAKE now!

    Neila: Oh! I forgot the coffee. I need to be a better host!

    Danielle: Awwww shucks.

    Julie: I'll trade ya some CAKE for a handful of milduds!

  1. TopChamp says:

    mmmmmm. cake looks good! That's a LOTTA visitors.

  1. Unknown says:

    Cool for you! I can lend you my five readers to make 4,005 if you like...

  1. Lisa Ryan says:

    LOVED the shake a tail feather clip. That made me smile this morning! woo hooo 4000 visitors!

  1. I can't even imagine 4000 people visiting my site. That is so awesome! I can see why after exploring your site - Thanks for coming by mine! LC