Mo's Manic Monday - Ornament

Posted: Monday, December 10, 2007 by Travis Cody in

Welcome to another Manic Monday with Morgen. Don't forget to cruise by MM HQ at It's A Blog Eat Blog World. Today's theme is Ornament.

My grandmother decorated her artificial Christmas tree the same way every year. She would lay it down on the floor and string the lights. Then she would fix the topper and turn the garland around. Then she would put the ornaments on it, and they would go in the exact same locations as they had every season.

Then she would call my grandfather and have him stand the tree up and put it up on the table in the front room window. And it would be perfect.

I don't remember many of the ornaments she used. My mom and my aunt split them after Gram died. And maybe my sister got some of them.

There was one in particular that I do remember. It was like a little wind chime, without the sound. It always hung on a branch that was in the path of the furnace vent. When the heat came on, it would blow on the ornament and the innards would spin.

That's the one ornament I wish I had for myself. I remember just sitting and watching it spin. And when the furnace clicked off, I would sit closer and blow on it.

I think about that ornament every Christmas season. I think it might be time to find out who has it and get it for myself.

If you cruise by Idaho Daily Photo, you can get an ornament like this one for your blog. Roger offers lots of different styles, and all he asks in return is that you link back to his blog.


  1. Ian says:

    I don't have any special ornaments like that, but it sounds pretty neat.


  1. Ingrid says:

    Can't you find a similar one ? It's funny the way your grandma put up her tree every year !

  1. Anonymous says:

    Awww - what a great memory. I can really relate as my Grandma passed away last year - ever since I can remember, she had a great big jar of buttons she had collected over the years. I used to dump them out all over the floor and find my favorites. After she died, that was the first thing I went for - only to find that my favorite little butterfly ones weren't there anymore :-(

    I say you should definitely find out who has that little wind chime and ask if you can have it! :-)

    My MM is up at Just Me

  1. yes, you should have that ornament!

    smiles, bee

  1. Schmoop says:

    I have a little snowman that hangs in my place all year long. It was the last ornament that my mom gave me before passing on. Cheers Trav!!

  1. Julie says:

    That's very special Travis. I hope whoever has the ornament gives it to you. If not gimme their phone number! Tee hee hee!

  1. Ian: I would usually fall asleep on the floor next to the tree when we'd spend Christmas at Gram's. That ornament reminds me of it.

    Gattina: Perhaps, but similar wouldn't be the same.

    Kai: It's odd...the things we remember and yearn for when they are gone.

    Bee: I'll have to figure out who has it.

    Matt: These things are special.

    Julie: LOL!

  1. Yep, you should have that one, this makes you wonder if anyone will want your stuff when you are gone, oh well I am old so I can have thoughts like that.

  1. Lisa Ryan says:

    I hope you track it down Travis. Have a great day.

  1. Sandee says:

    very well done Travis. We all have those special childhood memories that we hold so dear. Roger does rock doesn't he? Have a great MM. :)

  1. Anonymous says:

    Travis, let us know if you locate the ornament.

    I'm sure the person who has it wouldn't mind sharing if you tell them this story. I would!

    Happy MM!

  1. What a clever idea, Travis, that your grandma laid the tree down on the floor! Made things easy I would think...

    Check out my MM post Work of the Poetand Deb's Deb's blog

  1. TopChamp says:

    sounds pretty! I like over the top decorations that mean something to me - theming the tree a no go.

  1. I agree - I think it's time you find out what happened to that ornament.

    Great memory.

  1. I second that... now's the time to find out where that ornament is.


  1. what a great memory.

    I give the kids an ornament each does my

  1. It sounds like a good reason to go hunting. Good memories are treasure and your little blowing in the wind ornament would be an excellent reminder.

  1. Sarge: I figure whatever I don't use I'll sell and throw a huge party.

    Lisa: Thanks.

    Sandee: Yup.

    Lois: Unless they have a similar attachment to it.

    Teach: Well, she was just too short to do it any other way.

    TC: The only requirement I have for my tree is that there be character ornaments and not bulbs.

    Songbird: We appear to be unanimous on getting that ornament.

    Dix: I'll do it!

    Katherine: I usually buy several new ones every year.

    Jamie: Agreed.

  1. Unknown says:

    She put the ornaments on and then put up the tree? Neat idea!

  1. Anndi says:

    I still have some of the glass ornaments Mom and Dad used to put up on the tree when I was a kid. Dad used to have these birds.. I might have to go out and see if I can find some.

    That ornament really should make it's way to you bro.


  1. Yes, you have to find that ornament, take a picture of it and share it with us. Great story.

  1. RW says:

    I hope you do find it Travis it has great memories!! Thanks for the shout!!

  1. Jay says:

    I love this post.

    It makes me a little nostalgic too.

  1. I realized this year that I did not get any of the ornaments we collected over the years and will be asking for some after the holiday is over...I do not have a big tree this year, but hopefully will in the future and would like some memories....

    Thanks for sharing yours...

  1. My favorite ornaments are some of the ones that special people have given me over the years . . . ones that represent something personal in my life.

    The football one is awesome . . . our world has always been soccer.

  1. Dana: Yeah she did. It was easier for her to do it that way.

    Ann: I'm sure I'll find it eventually.

    Mimi: I might actually have a picture of it...I'm sure I've got a picture of Gram's tree somewhere. That's my project during vacation.

    Roger: You're that I got the name of the blog right! LOL!

    Jay: Thanks.

    V: The more I write, the more I remember. So I guess that's a good thing.

    Sandra: Mine too. Thanks for stopping by.

  1. Marilyn says:

    What a nice post. I bet my sisters will get all of Mom's ornaments, except the Teddy Bear I made in kindergarten... You really need that ornament. I bet it means more to you than it does to whoever has it.

  1. Mary says:


    I do hope you're able to hunt down that spinner ornament. I can tell it means a lot to you.

    Mom has lots of ornaments from my childhood and someday I will get to inherit some of them. I do have a couple of favorites, but I would cherish any of them.

    I enjoyed my visit here. Take care.


  1. I love ornaments... I try to keep them around for years but the kids keep hauling ass with them. Grrr.

  1. Marilyn: Well, I do know what it means to me. But I haven't talked to anyone else about it. I guess that's part of the hunt and discovery of where it is.

    Mary: Thanks for stopping by.

    Kyra: I think I'm going to shop for a few more unique ones next week while I'm on VACATION!

  1. That was a great story.
    Thanks for sharing.
    You need to share this story with your family, and hopefully whoever has that ornament will share it with you!

  1. We used to get my son an ornament each year for Christmas and put it on the tree. Never got him a cool football ornament though, but that was because his mom usually picked them out.