Mo's Manic Monday - Bud
Posted: Monday, April 14, 2008 by Travis Cody in
Welcome to another Manic Monday with Morgen. Don't forget to cruise by MM HQ at It's A Blog Eat Blog World. Today's theme is Bud.
You may or may not know that Friday was my birthday. I am now 44 years old. YAY me!I wish I was a healthier 44. Chronic pain sucks, and it's getting worse every year. I used to be a regular gym rat. Just two years ago, I went to the gym at least four days a week. I worked mostly with a personal trainer who used to kick my ass...and I loved it! He was able to help me manage the proper techniques and weights to keep the strength in my legs.
I also did 200 sit ups and push ups on my own every day.
But I haven't been to the gym in almost a year now. Last year it was my back and my knees that kept me from it. This year, we add my shoulder to the list of creaky stuff.
Without really being aware of it, this chronic pain situation has turned me into a bit of a home body. So I figured on Friday, when Pam said for me to meet her downtown in the evening, that it was for drinks and a quiet birthday dinner.
She had other ideas.We did meet for drinks. And it turned out that we met our best friends at Cypress in the Westin hotel. This is a couple I met when I first moved up here who kind of adopted me as the single guy who needed looking after. And then when I met Pam, we just became a great foursome with lots in common.
We had to cancel plans on Wednesday because of my issues with my shoulder. And they had said that they couldn't go out with us on Friday because they had other plans.
It turns out the other plans we a surprise party for me! After we had a drink and a toast to my 44th year on the planet we headed to my favorite steakhouse, The Keg.
Here's the best part of the surprise...Pam had invited all my Buds! We used to call ourselves The Pack because of the way we hung out together, but I hadn't seen a lot of these guys in over a year. It was great to see them and catch up on the projects they are working on. These guys are graphics designers and sculptors and writers and musicians. I worked with most of them before my company went through restructuring a couple years ago. I was so happy to hear how successful they were.
But, seeing my Buds reminded me that I've been surrendering to the pain. It's been a gradual surrender, but a very real one.
I have to do something about this.
Well, the good news is that I had a great birthday. I got to see my Buds and catch up on what they've been doing. I had a first class steak. And I had a few pain free days to remember what it was like to get out and do stuff with friends.
Now that was a nice birthday. What a lovely surprise from your lady and seeing old friends is always a treat.
Sounds like you're getting a handle on the psychological aspects of chronic pain. Each year, when more and more "creaks" appear, it gets more challenging.
Just a part of life. Hope you start to feel like yourself again soon.