Mo's Manic Monday - Bounty
Posted: Monday, November 10, 2008 by Travis Cody in
Welcome to another Manic Monday with Morgen. Don't forget to cruise by MM HQ at the Manic Monday blog. Today's theme is Bounty.
Last week was historic. It was big and bold and kind of difficult to absorb all at once. Here in the United States we had an historic election result. And then around the world bloggers participated in another amazingly successful Blog Blast for Peace. If you didn't get a chance to post your Peace Globe, or don't know about the movement, you can check it out at Mimi Writes. And you can visit the official Peace Globe Gallery.
So today's bounty comes from an assortment of peace posts that inspired me.
Mojo from Why? What have you learned?
Carver from Carver's Sight or is that Site?
Ferd from The Best Parts
Michelle from Crow's Feet
Robin from Around the Island
This Eclectic Life
Lisa from Groggy Froggy
Lee from Tarheel Ramblings
Mary's Writing Nook
Melinda from Life Is All About Balance
Speedcat Hollydale
Laane On the World
Debra from A Printmaker's Blog
I visited more than 240 peace posts. But there were more than 500 bloggers who signed in on two of Mimi's posts. Many signed in on the Nov 6 Dona Nobis Pacem post. And many more signed in on the Sept 10 kick off post.
I wish I had time to visit each of you. But know that I join with you all in hoping and working for peace.
In keeping with my goal to be part of the change and work for an end to the politics of fear and divisiveness, I have sent my Peace Globe to the office of President-Elect Obama. I have done so by going to the website This is the website for the transition team.
There is a form you can fill out to send an email to the President-Elect, in which you can "share your vision for what America can be, where President-Elect Obama should lead this country". I encourage you to do as I have done. I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to write to President-Elect Obama. Use your voice to tell him you are out here.
Speaking to my fellow citizens, whether you voted for him or not, we are all Americans and we need to stop spreading fear and distrust and start looking forward.
I was chatting with a friend yesterday, and she asked me where I thought idealism fit with pessimism and optimism. I said...
Idealism is about reaching as high as you can, even it if seems to be too much.
Pessimism says it is too hard to do any of it and you'll be lucky if you just make it to tomorrow.
Optimism says let's give it a try and see how far we can go.
Then she asked me about realism. And I said that realism is the plan.
Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong. But it's the way I feel. And I am going to do my best to be part of the process and not part of the problems this country faces. So I attached my Peace Globe to my email to President-Elect Obama. I wrote...
My vision is to see the divisiveness end. I'm tired of the politics of fear. I'm tired of asking questions of my leaders and being told that I'm not a real American because I doubt the decisions being made in my name.
Please fix that.
That's a huge challenge. And it won't happen overnight. But I think it's worth the effort.

Cool! Very inspiring, bounteous post! :) By the way... loved your comment on my blog about your blanket smelling like home... your Lady and your mom. Love that you call her your Lady. So great! Thanks for being my blogging friend.