7 December 1941

Posted: Sunday, December 07, 2008 by Travis Cody in

Today is the 67th commemoration of the Japanese attack on Pear Harbor. Please see this post I did last year.

I don't know how many veterans of the attacks are still alive. We lose veterans of World War II at a rate of perhaps 900 per day.

I wish those who remain peace in the twilight of their lives. They earned it.

Thank you to all.


  1. Akelamalu says:

    Very nice tribute Trav.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I wish those who remain peace in the twilight of their lives. They earned it.

    Amen Travis... Great tribute. I hope we never forget and this doesn't get re-written...

  1. Nice tribute ... actually, I looked that up this morning and think the number is around 2,000, but expected to be 800 by next year. December 7th was my dad's birthday.
    Hugs and blessings,

  1. Unknown says:

    What a nice tribute. You've always had a wonderful way with words.

  1. Great tribute Travis.

  1. Great point. I like to remember my Dad around these kinds of holidays. He wasn't at Pearl Harbor, but he did lie about his age (17,) to go fight the Nazis. Unfortunately he passed on in the late 70s.

  1. Sandee says:

    Very well done Travis. My father fought in WWII. He is no longer with us. I used to thank him every 12-7 once I figured out the importance.

    Have a terrific rest of the weekend. :)

  1. Yep, they earned it, it is sad that so many have gone and so few of us remember.

  1. Akelamalu: Just my small contribution to remembrance.

    Lois: I'm not sure what you mean about re-written, but I'll always remember.

    Storyteller: Well, regardless of how many are lost daily, our duty is to commemorate their service.

    Dana: Thank you my dear.

    Mike: Thanks.

    Charles: I read this morning that the average age of remaining WWII veterans is 87.

    Lana: My stepdad's father and 4 uncles all served in WWII. The last of them died in the late 90s.

    Sandee: My Grandpa is still hanging tough.

    Sarge: I don't understand the negativity in your comment. There are plenty of commemorations on this day all over the country.

  1. Anonymous says:

    You know I have been walking around today trying to figure out why the 7th stood out today. I'm glad I stopped by. Need to slow down and remember the important stuff.Thanks Trav.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you indeed! Great job, Trav.
    I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  1. Raven says:

    Well said... Both posts. My father was CIC officer on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. I really wish people would stop trying to kill each other so we wouldn't have to honor heroes of battle, just heroes of life.

  1. I knew you would do a post today. Loved it. Indeed, wishing them peace.

  1. Cherie says:

    Both posts were really touching. Thank you for honoring the veterans.

  1. j says:

    Wonderful post Travis. I knew you would remember the day and pay tribute.

  1. Good for you for remembering a post for our veterans. Beautifully put.


  1. Julie says:

    Awww very good post Travis. Sweet sweet sentiment for those still living.

  1. Hope: Your subconscious remembered and kept prodding until your mind registered it.

    CWM: It wasn't too bad.

    Raven: It's difficult to reconcile sometimes, but as long as these men and women dedicate themselves to our freedoms, I will revere them and remember.

    Mimi: I could do no less.

    Cherie: It consider it a priveledge to do so.

    Jennifer: Thank you my dear.

    Clancy: Thanks.

    Julie: You know I'll always remember and pay my respects.

  1. DrillerAA says:

    Very well said. My Dad served aboard the USS Bunker Hill, an aircraft carrier that assisted in the invasion of Iwo Jima. They were hit by two Kamazie's.
    Dad is well.