Happy Halloween!
Posted: Saturday, October 31, 2009 by Travis Cody inI missed my bloggoversary on 28 Oct. I have now been blogging for three years.
Thanks for the reminder Julie!

I could tell you a little bit about the history of Halloween. I could tell you a skeery story. I could tell you a Trick or Treat story from when I was a kid.
But what I think I'll tell you is a quick little story about Bees.
Yesterday at my office, we had a Halloween afternoon. Now I've been insanely busy at work with a massive inventory project, and I didn't really have time for fun and frolics and frivolity.
I know! Me! No time for silliness? Oh the humanity!
Anyway, employees were invited to bring their families to the office for the party and for some Trick or Treating for the kids at everyone's desk. Naturally I had a few decorations out and a big cauldron of candy.
I'm busy, but I had to make time for a little bit of fun.
So y'all know that I'm a Worker Bee for Peace, right?

Well, as the kids were parading by in their cute little costumes, what do you suppose I saw?
Ready for it?
BEES! There were four kids wearing little BEE costumes!
Well! Who am I to argue with serendipity? I stopped working and took a break for an hour to enjoy a bit of fun and frolics and frivolity.
I found one little guy in a BEE costume...I work with his dad. He's about 4 years old and he knows me pretty well. He calls me Unc Twavs. I taught him to throw his arms up in the air and say "BEES FOR PEACE"! And then I taught him a little jig.
You should have heard him giggle. It was priceless.
I did NOT giggle!
But I did have some fun after all during my insanely busy day.

Are you ready for Blog Blast for Peace? It's coming up fast...this Thursday in fact.
"If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day." Alex Noble
Check the top of my side bar to your right for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace. Please consider joining us. If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.
Help us spread the word about Blog Blast for Peace coming up on 5 November 2009, and you can grab the Worker Bee badge you see at the top of my sidebar to fly for yourself.
You know you want to join us. Come on. Do it.
I believe that words have power, so this matters.
A Worker Bee for Peace. I love that, Trav! I'm so glad you took some time off. All work and no play is No Good!
Happy Halloween! Big Hugs ♥xo