30 Quotes and 100 Reasons

Posted: Monday, October 17, 2011 by Travis Cody in

I continue to count down to 4 November with 30 days of Peace quotes and 100 Reasons to blog for Peace.

15 October
"It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life."  Bilbo Baggins

16 October
"Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere."  Unknown

17 October
"Honor the past.  Live in the present.  Create the future."  Unknown

Reason 20:  In the Lord of the Rings films, Lady Galadriel (played ethereally by Cate Blanchett, says "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."  I am just arrogant enough to believe that I can change the future by my actions, and so my actions include blogging for Peace.

Reason 19:  Because I can't control what someone else is going to do, and sometimes I can't control my own circumstances.  The only thing I have control over is my decisions...to act or not.  I choose to act as a Peace blogger.

Reason 18:  Because I enjoy the process of making Peace Globes...from deciding on a template, to figuring out the design, to manipulating the paint program, to pronouncing the Globe complete.  And finally, I enjoy emailing my work to Mimi because she delights in receiving and collecting them.


  1. Some very good quotes there. I believe them to be true, although I don't always live up to them.

  1. I look forward to your quote series every year. Combined with the 100 Reasons they really are cohesive.

  1. I do I do delight!

  1. Akelamalu says:

    Love your quotes and reasons Trav.

    Thankyou for your kind words re my Dad, I really appreciate them. x