A new place

Posted: Monday, April 02, 2012 by Travis Cody in

Welcome to April!

Last month we made it through the first anniversary of Mr Tucker's passing.  We still miss that little spook a lot.

But we're gradually becoming open to the idea of adopting a couple of new friends to share our lives.  To that end, Pam suggested that we make a place to tell you about our journey.

I'm still working on the place, but it's up and running for you to visit if you like.  It's called Cats in the Condo.

The idea with this new place is that you'll hear from Pam as well as me.  I don't know how often we'll post, but we're going to use it for our thoughts and adventures as we become accustomed to the idea of adopting new kitties.

We can't replace Mr Tucker.  We know that.  He'll always be a part of us and we'll always miss him.  But there are kitties out there who need forever homes.  We're going to meet them at some point, and eventually a couple are going to demand that we bring them home and start a new chapter in adventures with cats.

And when that does happen, we'll be cat bloggers.

Join us over there once in awhile.


  1. Barb says:

    I'm so excited for you! You, Pam and the kitties! I've put the new blog in my reader!

    What a great way to start a Monday!

  1. Akelamalu says:

    Some lucky kitty is going to find a great home with you and Pam. :)

  1. Nothing compares to the joy of a new kitty. They are so awesome and I adore watching them learn and play.

    I'll be there following.

  1. Jeni says:

    I can certainly understand your not wanting another cat right away after having lost Mr. Tucker. That's something it does take time to get to the right frame of mind in order to find the right feline to become part of your family. But I'm thinking too, now that you and Pam feel the time is coming, that there's going to be some really lucky cat that will be blessed with having you as "the Family!"

  1. Jean(ie) says:

    my nose tingled up and my eyes teared up a bit... Hugs...

  1. All the cats I've had have been memorable in various ways, and unique.

  1. Ivanhoe says:

    It's so hard to loose a pet! They are like our kids.
    I will check your blog out, guys :)
    Do you know what me & my husband wanted to do if we would have won the big lotto? National chain of no kill shelters. All over US. Did not win this time around, but will keep trying :)

  1. TopChamp says:

    Of course! I love cats.

    No need for guilty feelings. New cats don't mean you love Mr T any less.

    You're right - you can provide a new home that will be needed - make a lonely cat or two happy...

    Good luck x