I remember

Posted: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 by Travis Cody in

I commemorate this day, 11 years after the terror attacks of Tuesday, 11 September 2001, with no agenda other than to remember with respect...

...the 87 passengers and crew of American Airlines flight 11, the 60 passengers and crew of United Airlines flight 175, and the 2,016 people in both towers...

...the 64 passengers and crew of American Airlines flight 77 and the 125 people in the Pentagon...

...the 40 passengers and crew of United Airlines flight 93...

...the 343 firefighters and paramedics, 23 NYPD officers, and 37 NY Port Authority officers who ran toward danger and made the ultimate sacrifice to save lives...

...the many souls who had their lives disrupted.

I will always remember.

11 September 2001


  1. DrillerAA says:

    Like the Kennedy assassination, I will always remember exactly where I was when I received the news and in some way, I will be forever changed.

  1. I'm in a different office now, but with a similar view. I remember.

  1. Even as far away as I am and was then, I remember still. How could one forget? People have, but I don't understand that.