Cue that theme music!
Posted: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 by Travis Cody inIt's live from Hollywood!
When we last checked in with our celebrities and their professional partners, they had danced some fusion routines and a swing marathon, and no one had been eliminated. Our leader board looked like this:
39.0 Melissa and Tony
38.0 Shawn and Derek
36.0 Kelly and Val
34.5 Emmitt and Cheryl
33.5 Gilles and Peta
33.0 Apolo and Karina
28.0 Kirstie and Maks
This week our 7 remaining pairs have two dances to learn...the ballroom round is inspired by Veterans Day while the Latin round is a trio dance. We'll add scores for these routines to last week's scores, combine those with viewer votes, and get down to 5 couples with just a two weeks left until the finale.
Got it? OK.
Shawn and Derek dance Viennese Waltz. That was a gorgeous dance, but it seemed very short to me. The emotion was front and center, with the choreography built around it. It was very soft and very honest. Her extensions were beautiful. Whatever the block was for her about showing emotion has certainly been breached. I thought the performance was layered. The story was obvious, but there was more than just a soldier's pain in the dance. I thought the dance seemed to go from grief to peace. Nicely done. Judges say 10,9.5,10 for a total of 29.5.
Apolo and Karina dance Tango. A zip line Tango? Yikes. That entrance definitely makes a statement. I like the choreography. It's aggressive, but then there's balance with the stalking up the stairs. And I'm right...these routines are only 60 seconds instead of the normal 90. It makes the dances seem a bit rushed. I liked this performance, but there were a couple of moments that felt a bit frantic again for me. I liked Apolo's footwork and his control of the dance. I think they took good chances this week to try and catch back up to some of the other couples. Judges say 10,9.5,10 for a total of 29.5.
Kirstie and Maks dance Viennese Waltz. If she wants to, she can dance this very well. I think this is a great style for her to tell the story. I may have said this before, in fact I'm sure I have, but I have such respect for Maks as a choreographer. He has made some of the most beautiful dances during his run on this show. And that was one of them. There was a respect and reverence to the piece that was so endearing. I don't mind that the choreography was simple. I appreciate it because it allowed Kirstie to focus on her lines and extensions. I thought this was her best all around performance, from technique to story telling. Very nice. Judges say 9s across for a total of 27. The only reason she didn't get any 10 paddles on that is because the choreography isn't as difficult as the other pairs.
Kelly and Val dance Viennese Waltz. I think the chemistry between these two is the strongest part of every performance. This is really a wonderful dance. It's a celebration of how well they work together and the relationship they have developed. I agree with Len that there was some sharpness to the movement, but unlike Len I thought that it was a clever choice and interpreted the music very well. I don't mind a little harder edge in a Waltz as long as it makes some sense, and I thought it did for this performance. I liked the flow and the shapes, and the transition between soft and sharp. I thought there was an interesting rhythm and unique steps. Judges say 9.5,9,9.5 for a total of 28.
Gilles and Peta dance Quickstep. I've never seen duct tape used to reinforce a dancing frame. Peta tried it in rehearsal instead of the standard torture bar. Oh yikes. I thought Gilles had some really bad footwork in that dance. It was almost like he forgot the steps a bit, particularly in the early part. The music tempo was really fast. In fact, it might have been too fast. I give him credit for attacking the dance, but I'm not seeing anything to get excited about in the execution. Clearly I'll have to watch it back, but I saw footwork mistakes and some bad posture. Did not like it. Judges say 9.5,10,10 for a total of 29.5. I'm not seeing what the judges thought deserved those 10 paddles.
Emmitt and Cheryl dance Viennese Waltz. I love how elegant the costumes are. Classic tuxedo and a gorgeous silver dress. Emmitt impresses me in a dance like this because he epitomizes the way a man dances with a woman. It's very real and very down to earth. There's nothing of performance in it...this is how I dance with Pam. Just in the music and rolling from feeling to feeling. Emmitt is in control from the moment the music begins and maintains it throughout. I like how sophisticated the choreography was. The dance wasn't perfect, but it was classically romantic and that's why I liked it. Judges say 9,9.5,9.5 for a total of 28.
Melissa and Tony dance Quickstep. Seems odd to dress in sailor suits while dancing to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, since the central character in that song is in the Army, but that's just picking nits. Wow. This was a fantastic Quickstep. I didn't see a flaw. It was so fast and so controlled. Melissa is in such a groove at the moment. The choreography was classic Quickstep and they never missed a beat or a step. And what was really cool is that they had great character within the dance, despite the Navy-Army mixed message. Tony did a great job with that one. Loved it. Judges say 10s across for a total of 30. Yup.
Here's our updated leader board after the first round:
69.0 Melissa and Tony
67.5 Shawn and Derek
64.0 Kelly and Val
63.0 Gilles and Peta
62.5 Emmitt and Cheryl
62.5 Apolo and Karina
55.0 Kirstie and Maks
Now let's have the Latin trio round.

Gilles and Peta dance Salsa with Chelsie Hightower. This is much better than earlier, although it still seems sometimes like he's cheating on his footwork. I feel like he should be extending and defining his steps more. The shorter steps seem sloppy. I like that he attacked the dance and he did manage to lead both ladies through the movement, and the male celebrities always get credit for being solid leads because it's so hard. Overall the performance had good energy. Maybe Gilles was behind the tempo here and there, but that didn't dull my enjoyment of the performance. I don't think he's dancing as crisply as he did earlier in the competition though. Judges say 9.5,10,9.5 for a total of 29. I'm just not on the same page as the judges.

Here's our final leader board after four dances:
99.0 Melissa and Tony
94.5 Shawn and Derek
92.5 Kelly and Val
92.5 Emmitt and Cheryl
92.0 Gilles and Peta
91.5 Apolo and Karina
79.0 Kirstie and Maks
I thought the judges were a little free with those 10 paddles. And there was a 7 in there that deserves one of these...
But scores are subjective. I know what I liked, and it was different from what the judges liked. Pam and I both voted for Shawn and Derek. We hope that 7 doesn't keep them out of a chance for the finale. I'm concerned that the trio choreography was too much of a risk. There just wasn't enough Samba content and Len really docked them for it, no matter how well they performed what they did. I guess we'll see.
Let's get back to the normal drill. Tune in tonight for results. And check back here tomorrow for encores from last week and last night, and for my results recap.
Later gang.
It gets more exciting as it gets nearer the end doesn't it?