Peace in review

Posted: Monday, November 05, 2012 by Travis Cody in

Yesterday was the 9th Blog Blast for Peace.  Every launch, the creativity of those dedicated to this movement awes and inspires me.  Here is a recap of some of the posts that really stood out to me.

Of course, if you want to know what this is really all about, you'll want to begin with Mimi at Mimi Writes

And you may want to check out an emotional story at Cats in the Condo, which is the blog I share with my Lady Pam.

Michelle from Crow's Feet

Susan from Susan, continued

Cate from Infinite Sadness...or Hope

Claudia from On a Limb with Claudia

Vinny from Big Leather Couch

Malcolm from Malcolm's Round Table

Kerry from Skylover

Louie from Louie's Chaos

Anita from Blue Country Magic

There were a lot more great graphics and poems and essays. I encourage you to follow some of the other links at Mimi Writes, and to browse through the Peace Globe Gallery.  If you are a Facebook user, check out the BlogBlast for Peace page.

I believe that words have power, so Blog Blast is important.  Still, we all know that achieving Peace won't be done if all we do is make a Globe and post our thoughts once a year.  It won't be done simply because we visit other like-minded individuals who do the same. 

Peace will only be found for each of us if we work daily to make it happen.  We must objectively understand the things about us that rock our individual Peace and find solutions to minimize them.  Then we must help those around us do the same.

Finding and sustaining Peace isn't easy.  I don't think it should be easy.  But it's worth it.

And it matters gang.  It really does.

Dona Nobis Pacem


  1. CherryPie says:

    I lovely Blog4Peace post.

  1. Yes, I love your quotes, too. Peace be with you, Travis.