30 Days of Peace Quotes

Posted: Thursday, October 24, 2013 by Travis Cody in

Remember I'm counting down to Blog Blast on 4 November with 30 days of Peace Quotes and Reasons to Blog for Peace.  It's coming up quick.  Be sure to get your Peace Globe template, decorate it, send it on to Mimi, and then post if with your thoughts on peace for Blog Blast Day, under the title Dona Nobis Pacem.

Let's continue to stand up for those who are vulnerable to being left out or marginalized.  
Hillary Clinton

Reason 10:  Because sometimes you just have to stand up and be counted. 

We speak on one subject with one voice on one day.  Won't you join us?  You have a voice; how will you use it?  Check in at Mimi Writes or at the Peace Globe Gallery for all the details you need to make your Peace Globe and join your voice to the movement.

Join us.  You know you want to.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.