Of Lions and Lambs

Posted: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 by Travis Cody in

Spring has sprung,
The grass has riz.
I wonder where
The birdies is.
~Bulwinkle J Moose~

It's said that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  I say ppppppffffffffftttttt to that!

It has done nothing but rain since the middle of December and frankly I've had enough.  I can typically get through the wet season, but we've had record wet here in the Pacific Northwest and I just want to be dry for awhile.  We've seen the dang lion.  Let's have some lamb!

I'm fortunate that my life right now is tame enough that I can spare the energy to whine about the weather.  My heart goes out to the families of the victims of the terror attacks in Brussels.



  1. We've had a lot of rain but the last few days have actually been sunny and blue.

  1. DrillerAA says:

    Spring brings a variety of weather to our part of the country. It will be sunny and 70 one day then rainy and in the 50's the next. Then there are the thunderstorms and severe weather and includes hail and thunderstorms. Spring in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas means you keep one eye on the TV weatherman and one eye looking toward the west.