Thursday 13 Warning - may NBSFW or young eyes
Posted: Thursday, October 25, 2007 by Travis Cody inI'm behind on rounds. The 10-12 hour days have been kicking my ass again.
I was suffering from a severe case of mushy brain last night. I didn't know what to post today and I didn't want to think. I nearly gave it up as too much like work. I've had enough of work this week. I've had enough of work this month.
But then I was getting silly in chat with a dear friend...what? I am NOT always silly! Stop that snickering will ya! OK. I'm mostly silly. Happy now?
I'm trying to tell you how I got the idea for my TT.
So I was chatting with my dear friend and we were being silly. And we were wondering about blogger and comments and how sometimes blogger eats comments. And my friend said that she had amazing cleavage today.
Well, I am a man who appreciates amazing cleavage. It's a cure-all for what ails ya. And if you are fortunate enough to combine amazing cleavage with fantastic boots...well babies, you will have my full attention.
Let's have more boobage and boots I say!Boots boots boots boots...OH...MY...THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP
And then...the epiphany. What do I post for a Thursday 13? What could possibly be a worthy tribute to my dear friend on her amazing cleavage day?
How about 13 ways to cover breasts?!?!?!?!? 1. You may cover breasts in a garment of lace.
2. Or you may prefer a garment of silk.
3. Or possibly latex?
4. Even leather.
5. A tried and true method of covering a breast is with one hand. You may do so through any of the aforementioned garments, which can be quite tantalizing. Especially if the fingers get into the act.
6. For maximum coverage, try it with two hands. You may entice and tease with one hand, perhaps with your thumb rubbing over the garment, while the other deftly unfastens hooks and slips first one strap and then the other over soft shoulders.
Helpful hint: The mouth should not be idle. If she's got great knockers, tell her so repeatedly. And then put your mouth to other interesting uses.Jennifer Love-Hewitt = Great Knockers. Pam has a lovely pair as well, but those I keep for myself. Yeah, I'm selfish that way. Get your own!
7. You may cover that delicious cleavage with soft kisses as you free each fantastic breast from whatever delightful bond conceals it.
8. As each wonderful globe is uncovered, you may then cover the tantalizing valley between them with long, slow licks.
9. You'll certainly want to devote careful consideration to the nipple now standing gloriously at attention. Rolling lips and a playful tongue should cover these nicely. Don't play favorites and don't forget that both hands are still useful.
10. Let's get silly now! Cover those tasty breasts in a few squirts of whipped cream and repeat #8 and #9.11. Add sweet strawberries to #10. Place a nice juicy one lightly between your teeth and glide it through the whipped cream. Be gallant now, and offer her a bite.
12. Try #10 with chocolate!
13. Even the most diligent of mouths may need some assistance in cleaning up all that whipped cream and chocolate and strawberry juice. An ice cube is most effective, and one should cover all.
Thanks for the idea dear friend! Ciao bella!
I say save all that sweet stuff for CAKE and ice cream. It's too messy in bed.