Dona Nobis Pacem
Posted: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 by Travis Cody inUpdate, Nov 7, 0636: Dona Nobis Pacem now has a page on Wikipedia!
I've been thinking so many thoughts about peace. And I'm so honored to be part of this movement today. I'm anxious to start my cruise through the bloggosphere to see the bright blue Globes, and to read the inspiring words of fellow Peace bloggers.
And that's part of it, you know. Peace Globes are posted. Words are written. And Peace bloggers are making the rounds to view, to read, to witness. This is the third Blog Blast for Peace. The movement started last November with this post.
Do you suppose that for every one of us who has posted a Peace Globe and written our thoughts about peace, there are hundres or maybe even thousands of others who feel as we do, but simply don't share this particular outlet of blogging?
Enjoy the day.
"Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away." (Robert Fulghum)
Back on Oct 19 I posted a reminder about Blog Blast for Peace. Stewart from House of Sternberg made this comment:
"I think the blogblast is cool but if we as a blogging community want to make a difference, then we must do so through activism. It isn't enough just to post, we must contact the legislature and especially those running for re-election. If the blogging community has real power, then it must be shown through action that manifests itself outside the blogging community."
Peace needs advocates. Peace needs voices. Peace needs action.
Posting a Peace Globe may be someone's first taste of protest or activism. You gotta start somewhere, so maybe start with a Peace Globe. And then click here to find the names and email addresses of your senators and congressmen. If you already have those, then good for you! Use them and use them often. Don't let your elected officials rely on polling data to make decisions for you.
Stand up. Speak. Tell your elected representatives that you agree or disagree with them. Don't wait for election day. That's way late in the game. Vote, but speak more often than that.
It is our right and our duty as citizens of this country to speak, whether in agreement or in opposition. We elect our leaders and they are accountable to us. We are not required to, nor should we ever, allow any elected official free reign to run roughshod over that right.
When I disagree, I'm allowed to say so. I'm allowed to demonstrate. I'm allowed to protest. It doesn't mean I don't love my country. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines who defend my rights. It doesn't mean I'm not a Patriot.
It simply means that I am exercising my rights in an effort to improve my lot and the lot of my fellow citizens. That is Patriotic. That is American.
I want accountability for decisions that are made in my name. You should want the same. Hold our elected officials accountable. Communicate with them.
Be the change you want to see. (Mahatma Gandhi)
If there was no activism in this country, there would be no United States of America.
Can it be any more plain that that?

Please cruise over to Blog Blast HQ at Mimi Writes and sign the linky box. And please visit some of the other peace bloggers today and through the rest of the week. If you didn't post a Peace Globe, there's still time. You can grab a blank globe at Mimi's, sign or decorate it, and post it in your sidebar.
The journey to Peace starts with thoughts.

Peace abd Cheers Travis...Great Post!!