Don't look Ethel!
Posted: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 by Travis Cody in
Jamie over at Duward Discussion put me in mind of the great Ray Stevens.
I won't re-post Ahab the Arab (1962) because Jamie already posted it. Plus, the videos on youtube don't actually have the full version of the song...the last verse is usually cut.
Now while Mr Stevens was a terrific writer of wacky songs like The Streak (1974) and The Mississippi Squirrel Revival (1974). Sorry Matt...
...we should remember that he also penned a wonderful little idealistic ditty called Everything Is Beautiful (1970).
Here's an idea...I'll be who I am, and y'all be who y'all are, and together we'll be tolerant and respectful and rejoice in the things we share in common and the differences that make us unique.
Yeah, I'm an idealist too sometimes.
Why don't you come along with some of the rest of us here in the blogosphere then Trav - sign up for the "Everyday Kindness." Sounds to me like you are already doing that so it wouldn't be like you'd have to learn a whole new theory then.
(BTW - love the Ray Stevens stuff!)