Dona Nobis Pacem

Posted: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 by Travis Cody in

I freely admit to being an idealist. I believe that words have power. I believe that one person can make a difference.


Because one person can carry a message to another. And so ideas spread.

I don't always lead with my idealism. Sometimes I look at the realities around me and idealism seems much too quaint and delicate a thing.

But I don't turn away from it for long.

Because revolution is made of ideas. And today's reality doesn't have to be tomorrow's.

I put the words on my Peace Globe. I keep the words in my thoughts. I offer the words to any who will listen. I hope that those who don't know how to listen will someday hear the words.

I'm a Peace blogger. I'm an idealist.

Dona Nobis Pacem.

Please visit Mimi today, where you can find a list of those who have posted Peace Globes and shared their thoughts about peace.


  1. SjP says:

    Peace be unto you, yours, and the world.

    Prayers for Global Peace


  1. Anonymous says:

    Great to see you on board! Mine is up too :-)

  1. Jeni says:

    Amen, Amen and AMEN! War does not bring about peace but peace -the peace of understanding, of caring, of loving, of sharing ideas, tenets, faith and prayers -the idealist in me says those things can bring universal peace -someday. I need patience though because I want this NOW!

  1. Karen Jo says:

    I love your Peace Globe. Your words are inspiring.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Peace to you and yours around the Peace Globe!

  1. Anndi says:

    Your words find readers and turn into thoughts and action...




  1. Anonymous says:

    I moved blogs and lost track of when the blog blast was last year,but I'm back in this year, with my globe up since midnight today. Peace to you.

  1. Liz Hill says:

    Ah such lovely words Trav. I so need to see them made real.


  1. Marsha says:

    Peace - the place in which dreams live in and grow. It's hard to do that when there's discontent. May we all find that peace and share it.

  1. "Words have power...If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little."
    Tom Stoppard


  1. DrillerAA says:

    "All we are saying...
    is give peace a chance."

    Have a peaceful day.

  1. Thank you Travis for your words and for your ideals


  1. beautiful sentiment trav!

    smiles, bee

  1. Ivanhoe says:

    Have a peaceful day and let love rule!

  1. RW says:

    Happy Peace day to ya Travis!

  1. Carver says:

    Beautiful peace globes and post. I'm an idealist too. Dona Nobis Pacem.

  1. Travis, wonderful presentation for Peace! Thanks for the compliment that I'm an idealist just like you! :D

  1. Julie says:

    Very good Travis...your thoughts though rambling and disconnected mirror most everyone's.

    Peace my dear friend. I'm so glad I can call you friend.

    Turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. Ps. 34:15

  1. Ingrid says:

    and I am an optimist ! I wait for peace in the world for over 40 years since the "Peace & Love" movement !

    Peace and love !

  1. Barbara says:

    Small ripples, but blending together to form an enormous ammount of energy & love.
    Peace to you, Travis & everyone joining in .

  1. A revolution of words can be strong. Peace!

  1. Why?

    Because one person can carry a message to another. And so ideas spread.

    My hope is for you and yours to experience peace, I would love to see peace in my lifetime, they better hurry up.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi, I'm Elizabeth from Table for Five, and I'm visiting all the blogs that have signed the Linky. Wishing you peace today and always.

  1. Wonderful words!! Let us all hear them, believe them and do them!
    Your FL furiends,

  1. Barb says:

    Wishing you, me, all of us, peace.

  1. But Trav, one person CAN change the world! Think of some of the most influential people in history (both good and bad) who have started as one person with one voice and who became a loud chorus of voices.

    Some people call me "Pollyanna" because of my idealism. I prefer to think of myself as a dreamer of great things.

    Peace to you, my friend.

  1. Well said.

    Peace~filled Purrs

    Blogging for Peace
    and Gracie

  1. Peace to you and to all the people of the world!

  1. Jeff B says:

    Here's to tomorrows reality, may it continue to be a brighter one as each day passes.

    Great words my friend.

  1. Here's to our larger voice being heard.

  1. Peace to you and yours, Travis. And Idealist rock. Without us no one would ever get out of bed!

  1. Akelamalu says:

    You have such a lovely way with words Trav - Peace to your and yours my friend. x

  1. Unknown says:

    Love this. Amen and much peace to you.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Trav,Mine is up on my new site.
    I'll post the globe on the old one as well.

  1. TopChamp says:

    Travis you have a wonderful way with words and I hope you're right.

    I don't share your eloquence, but I'm behind the peace globes even if I'm not joining in this time.

  1. cathy says:

    You caught me on the hop.
    You visited me before I added my poem so I will bring it here for you...


    Cry, O man
    For your love of war
    For the death of babes
    Barely born.

    Cry, O man
    For the hater's screech
    Coiling round the hindbrain
    Beyond logic's reach

    Cry, O man
    For your endless greed
    For the words I want
    In the place of we need

    Cry, O man
    For your leaders lies
    For religious falsehoods
    As they blind your eyes

    Cry, O man
    For your thirst
    For revenge

    Cry O Man
    For war to end

    by Cathy

  1. Sandee says:

    Peace to you, Pam and Mr. Tucker. I love your words Travis. Big hug honey. :)

  1. Great post. I was reading a book by David Gemmell where one of his characters says that even if he found out his ideals were wrong he'd still hold to them because they "Should" be right. I think that's kind of what you're saying here, and it's definitely how I feel.

  1. Kimmie says:

    I wonderful post Travis!

    May Peace be with you and yours today and always.

  1. j says:

    Peace Travis.

    I didn't do the globe - I am SUCH a techno DUH - but I linked to Mimi. I repect all the bloggers that have taken this seriously and who are dedicating this day to Peace.

    Be blessed my friend.


  1. Peace to you and yours...

  1. Anonymous says:

    Love and Peace to you and yours - additional *purrrs* to Mr Tucker!

  1. Hey Trav-I gave you some link love today...

  1. Anonymous says:

    Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with us!

  1. Great choice of words, Travis. Very inspiring. Peace :)

  1. Maya says:

    Wow, love the BE RIPPLE of PEACE.
    I'll be and peace with you.

  1. Let there be PEACE on earth and let it begin with us!

  1. Sending over peaceful extra-wet *nose-licks* to you and the ones you love :-P

  1. Linda says:

    Absolutely beautiful, Travis, and very well said!

    Peace. &hearts

  1. Anonymous says:

    Great post, Travis. I think we idealists should stick together. Like you, I believe that the small changes we inspire through individual encounters and exchanges of ideas can begin to make a difference.


  1. Our words are powerful and will make a difference. They already are. I have to believe that.

    Peace to you and yours my friend.

  1. JEWELGIRL says:

    Peace Up
    Hate Down
    Peace to the world
    And to you & yours

  1. catsynth says:

    Nice thoughts. Peace to you, too.

  1. Peace be with you, Trav. And with us all.

  1. one person can pass along the message.

    someday everyone will hear travis

    peace to you and yours.

  1. Lux says:

    I loved your post - peace to you ...


  1. Anonymous says:

    Nice, Trav! :)

  1. Anonymous says:

    Me too! Me too! I'm an idealist too!

    These blogblasts help bring us all closer together. I love your peaceglobe with the ripples.

    Peace and kindness to you....

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for visiting me and Peace to you and yours and all xxx

  1. Anonymous says:

    I too spoke of the vocabulary of peace. I hope my children learn your words soon. Peace to you!

  1. Jayne says:

    You're can make a difference.

    Wonderful thoughts there. Thank you for sharing.

  1. I'm staggered at the number involved in this! Thank you for your thoughts, and for the visit.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. Peace to you and yours, its a great saying!

  1. Grandy says:

    Beautiful theme this week, Travis. :)