Countdown Meme
Posted: Sunday, December 14, 2008 by Travis Cody in
Oh my word! Mimi, the Queen of Memes herself, tagged me for this Countdown meme thingy.
It's really really really really long!
But it's Mimi, and she has a dungeon, and she's liable to be really really really really skeery when she throws me into the dungeon for not doing this meme.

See what I mean? Very skeery!
The meme comes from...uhm...lots of other peeps. You can go to Mimi's to find the history. There are no rules. YAY! Here we go.
Name 10 things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now:
1. Dear Washington State drivers: PLEASE GO when the light turns green and give that little pedal under your right foot enough pressure to accelerate to the posted speed. And please don't coast to a stop at the next traffic light or stop sign or other event that requires the halting of your vehicular motion, hoping to save a few pennies of fuel. Just get to the dang line and stop until the light changes color.
2. To my former co-workers at my former company that no longer exists: I miss y'all!
What? He is so a people!
4. Dear Safeway/Pepsi Co associate: Please remember to stock the dang Diet Pepsi 12 packs of 12oz plastic bottles.
5. Dear Mr Blagojevich: Please do the right thing and resign.
6. Dear Mr Al Davis: Please do the right thing and retire.
7. Dear Pam: I love you!
What? Yeah I say it all the time, but that doesn't mean I can't wish to say it right now!
8. Dear...uhm...anybody: Who has CAKE?????
9. To my stepdad: Thank you.

Tell 9 things about yourself:
1. I'm afraid of spiders.
What? It doesn't say to tell new things!
2. I love history, specifically military history.
3. The only regret I have in my life is not getting to serve in the Marine Corps.
4. I think it is extremely likely that there is life on other planets in the universe.
5. I don't know how to swim.
6. I like it when my teams win, but I have learned how to be gracious in defeat.
7. I like Fritos Scoops dipped in cream cheese.
8. I have been to 14 states - California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Indiana, New York, Georgia, Hawaii, Ohio.
9. I have been to 4 other countries - Canada, Republic of Singapore, Sri Lanka, Republic of Korea.
Name 8 ways to win your heart...uhm...I guess that means my heart:
2. Thump me on the back of the head. Well, you'd have to be Pam for that one to work.
3. Don't fuss at me when I want to watch sports. If you give me a chance, I'll be happy to do stuff you like too. Pam and I understand this about each other. And she likes sports as much as I do, while I like a lot of the things she likes too.
4. Take charge sometimes. I'm a big boy and I can handle it.
5. Be straight with me and don't play the "if you don't know I'm not telling you" game.
6. Teach me stuff you know that I don't.
7. Don't laugh at me when I'm afraid of the spider.
8. Tell me the things you like, the things you don't like, the things you desire, the dreams you have, your fondest wishes. And then listen to mine.
Name 7 things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Pam.
2. CAKE!
3. Did I lock the front door?
4. Did I lock the car?

6. I should call my mom.
7. Be careful how you take a step. If you have joint pain, you'll understand this very well.
Name 6 things you do before you go to bed:
1. Turn off the laptop.
2. 100 sit ups and 100 push ups.
3. Brush teeth.
4. Make sure all the doors and windows are locked.
What? Don't you talk like that to your kitty?
6. Kiss Pam.
Whew! I'm glad there's no 5 things or 4 things or 3 things or 2 things.
The 1 thing I'm NOT doing is tagging. And you can't make me...even with threats of Mimi's skeery dungeon.
Cool... So Pam doesn't laugh when you're scared of spiders? Really?
Nice to see Mr T in there x