You can never go wrong with food
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2008 by Travis Cody inI was chatting with a friend last night and we ended up perusing a number of nifty sites. If you're stuck for gift ideas, you might check out a few of these web retailers.These luscious looking candies are called Caramel Presents and they are from Harry London Quality Chcolates. Established in 1922 in Canton OH, Harry London's specializes in recipes and candy making techniques in the European tradition. A featured item is the Happy Holidays Gift Tower, featuring an assortment of Harry London specialties. It's 6lbs full of chocolate and a dang fine value at $70! The prices are quite reasonable and you can order directly from the website and ship anywhere.
One of my favorite candy shops is Sees. Charles See emigrated from Canada to Los Angeles and established his first candy shop and kitchen on Western Avenue in 1921.I remember the old store in San Mateo CA, not far from where my grandfather still lives. My gram used to take us down to Sees for special treats. The store is still there. We have a store in Bellevue and I make a visit every December for peanut brittle and truffles. This little goodie on the right is called the Ultimate Holiday Assortment Pack. It's expensive at $140, but look at what you get! I've found that you can't go wrong if you show up at a holiday gathering with a box of Sees.
Let's see...what else did we find?Oh yeah! Have you seen these before? This lovely is from a place called Edible Arrangements. It's fruit baskets taken to a whole nuther level. We had one of these baskets earlier this year at my old company. Edible Arrangements was established in 1999 in East Haven CT by Tariq and Kamran Farid. According to the website, they have franchising opportunities world wide. The arrangements are really cool and the fresh fruit tastes terrific. Plus you can have some or all of the fruit dipped in chocolate. Chocolate covered fruit! Can I get a hell yeah?
And of course, there's always Hickory Farms. I love that place! You can get such a variety of inexpensive assortments of cheese, summer sausage, crackers, mustards, and other spreads. We've got our eye on the Heartland Hardwood Server for a couple of friends of ours. It comes with an attractive cutting and serving board, 4 different knives, summer sausage, smoked cheddar cheese, jalapeno and cheddar blend, Big Barn cheddar, cheddar and Harvarti blend, and Mission Jack blend. You can also add some honey pineapple mustard and crackers. Hmmmmm...we might have to get one of those for our own little 25 December celebration.
Don't forget...if you have friends that love coffee, a gourmet coffee gift basket is just the ticket. There are all kinds of great sites such as, Send Coffee,, and so many others. Just type "coffee gift baskets" in your web search.
Oh! My sister often sends me something from Wine Country Gift Baskets.
So don't fret! You can never go wrong with food as a gift!
You know what torture is? Torture is coming here at 3:46 a.m., with a grumbling tummy, and then seeing and reading all about food.
Thanks, Trav. Now I'm craving cheese, crackers, and chocolate.