Take This Tune

Posted: Monday, September 07, 2009 by Travis Cody in

Take This Tune is a new meme hosted by my pal Jamie at Duward Discussion. Jamie puts up a video prompt complete with lyrics to the song, and the task is to write something inspired by the title of the song or something in the lyrics.

Today's prompt is September Song, written by Hoagy Carmichael. The song puts me in mind of beginnings and endings. It reminds me that there are many sides to life, and many different ways to enjoy the world. But however you choose to see the world and move about in it, don't forget to stop once in awhile and look around.

There are bits and pieces of life out there, waiting for us to notice them. They dance about, vying for our attention. And if we don't notice, or if we purposely ignore them, they'll move on until they find someone who'll latch on and live them.

Pause along the walk
and gaze at white fluffy clouds
in a crisp blue sky.
Close your eyes
and partake of a cool clean breeze.
Taste the smoky aromas on the air.

This is one of my favorite Neil Diamond songs, September Morn.


  1. Anonymous says:

    My favorite version of September Song is by Willie Nelson, from his Stardust Album. Actually, I think the entire album is pure brilliance!

    here's an MP3 of Willie's version. http://www.divshare.com/download/8343621-ff8

  1. I had forgotten about Neil Diamond's version of this. WOnderful and thanks for the memory!

  1. Drat Travis. Save that video. You will need it for September week three of Take This Tune :-)

    Beautifully written article as always.

  1. Linda says:

    I was thinking about what was out there for September songs last night while trying to think of something to do for this meme today and coming up totally blank and this song was in the forefront.

    There's just something about September as we cross over from summer to fall that makes us things of endings more so than any other time of the year and yet in so many ways it's all about beginnings too - kids back to school, college careers starting, holidays coming ...

    October is my favorite month but September runs a very close second.

  1. carol g says:

    Very nice thoughts on September Song... and Neil Diamond is just icing on the cake. Thank you, Travis.

  1. I like some Neil Diamond. "I Am," is my favorite.

  1. Akelamalu says:

    That Neil Diamond song is one of my favourites. :)

  1. j says:

    "There are bits and pieces of life out there, waiting for us to notice them. ...if we purposely ignore them, they'll move on..."

    Well said Travis.

  1. Julie says:

    You would have laughed your head off if you would have seen how excited I was as I started to read this entry and immediately I thought "September Morn" and then THERE IT WAS!

    Oh...did I ramble?

  1. Very nice song ... and an interesting take on its meaning.

  1. BeckEye says:

    The first September song that always pops into my head is "September Gurls" by Big Star. Such a great pop tune.

    I actually just posted an end-of-summer playlist today. *sigh* I can't believe fall is closing in. As beautiful as fall is, I'm always a little sad when summer is over.

  1. Barb: I hadn't thought of the song in ages.

    SLM: It's one of my favorites.

    Jamie: No repeats! I must find something else to represent September.

    Linda: Our temp dropped about 10 degrees almost overnight when we went from 31 Aug to 1 Sept. I like that a lot.

    Carol: You are most welcome. Thanks for cruising by!

    Charles: **blink** I did read that right, didn't I?

    Akelamalu: It's a good un!

    Jennifer: It seems accurate.

    Julie: No rambling. Hehehe!

    Southern: I wondered how I got there, but that's the mood the song put me in.

    Beck: I don't think I know that song. I'll have to check it out.