Announcing Blog Blast for Peace 2010
Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2010 by Travis Cody in
Quoting directly from Mimi Lenox, founder of Blog Blast for Peace...
Welcome to the 7th launch of BlogBlast For Peace aka Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere. It's inception began in 2006 with one single post and a cry for peace in our world.
A small group of bloggers answered that challenge and it began to spread across the internet in ways that humble me still. It reaches across political lines and religious creeds, abides in corners of unrest and places of hope, gives voice to individual beliefs and promotes tolerance for diversity. It celebrates the genius in each one of us, found in sparkling conversations of passionate pleas for change in the earth. It is that hope for change that motivates us.
It was the Internet's first ever online movement of its kind to invite bloggers to post the same message on the same day. From blog to blog it has moved and continues to grow. We have been amazed to see the power and passion shown each year displayed on pages across the world. We visit each other with our prayers and scribbles, prose and poetry, art and angst, heart and hilarity - and we are moved by it. From one post to thousands of others in fifty countries and almost every state in the United States, something rare and wonderful happens on BlogBlast For Peace day.
I am privileged to witness it.
I invite you to experience it.
It's time.
Join us!
Bloggers from all across the globe will blog for peace. We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.

Mimi has some new templates this year and I really like them. She's gone vertical...

Or you can choose one of the standard templates like this one...

You can find more details about the movement and how to participate by clicking any of the links at the top of my sidebar, or by going to Mimi Writes. She's got all the links and info you need to get set up. And she'll have updates and reminders, and plenty of special posts over the next six months leading up to the big day.
And remember that I and several of my Worker Bee hive mates stand ready to assist with the crafting of Peace Globes. Just shoot me an email or leave a comment and we shall buzz adroitly to your assistance!

So come on! Join us on 4 November 2010. You know you want to.
I believe that words have power, so this matters!
An early start... Good. At least I won't miss it again this year. Novembers are always so busy :(