Five on Friday Set 28

Posted: Friday, August 06, 2010 by Travis Cody in

What can I tell you about Set 28?  Not much, other than that it consists of five songs I like.

Click the player and scroll on down for So You Think You Can Dance encores and results.

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As always, if you'd like to join us in the musical fun, the guidelines are basic and simple.

1. Grab the banner, make your post title Five on Friday, and be sure to link back here.
2. Go to to make your play list of five songs. You may choose a particular theme to share with us, or post random tunes if that's your vibe for the day. You can simply post the play list, or you can add a little summary about what you are sharing.
2a. Don't feel restricted by the tracks listed on And don't be discouraged if the Embed code won't work. You're welcome to use any type of media to share your Sets.
3. Be sure to sign Mr Linky so everyone can visit your Set.
4. No tags, but feel free to invite your friends to play along if they need a post topic on a Friday.

Go forth and enjoy music!


  1. Anonymous says:

    we almost named our daughter Iris after this song, but we decided on Isis :) Great choices, Travis. Enjoy your weekend.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love BNL. It never would have even been in my radar but I was introduced to them by my nephews while they were still in college. Apparently, 'If I Had a Million Dollars' was all the rage back then!

    Happy weekend, Travis!

  1. Mine today is actually a memorial. Yours were lovely, gentle songs.

  1. The first three flow so smoothly into one another, Travis. They're my favorites for this week.

  1. Cool set.. I did a set with a question for the listeners...

    a little tricky, but also a little easy...hehehehehehehe

  1. Linda says:

    Iris and Come to My Window are my favorites in this set though I'm always up for some BNL - they're such a fun group!

  1. Travis,I enjoyed listening to you selectios for this week.Thank you for sharing them.

  1. I really like "She talks to Angels," and "Iris" is one of Lana's favorites.

  1. Akelamalu says:

    I don't know any of those Trav and unfortunately it won't let me listen to them. :(

  1. I love Eddie and the Cruisers. Have you listened to John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band, which is the real Eddie. It's been years since they did anything, but their old albums are great.

    And that's one of my favorite Black Crowes song.

  1. j says:

    A nice way to start the weekend. Great tunes!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Trav: recognized some of the artists but not the songs. Fun to come and listen though. GGG

  1. Marilyn says:

    I especially liked the first two. I'll try to start playing again soon. I've kinda been taking a break from blogging much lately.