My Kindle

Posted: Monday, August 02, 2010 by Travis Cody in

Kindle DX (image from
If you've visited here for any length of time, you'll know of my love and passion for books.  I love to read and I love to study.  I love the feel of holding a book and turning pages.  I love the way books look on my shelves.  

I don't think I'll ever stop purchasing actual books and adding them to the bookcases in my library.  I can't imagine not having the Harry Potter books on my shelves.  Or the works of Jim Butcher.  Or a copy of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.  Or a full set of Shakespeare.  Or other volumes that have a special meaning to me, collected over the years.  A library should have books, yes?

My purpose in purchasing a Kindle was, in part, to begin an endeavor I've been promising myself for some time.  I had a poor introduction to classic literature that has fostered a life long aversion to them.  Now with my Kindle, I expect to dip my toe back into the intellectual waters and see if I can enjoy some of the classic works that were previously ruined for me.

Another reason I bought a Kindle has to do with expense.  I bought the DX version, so you'd think frugality wasn't a prime motivator here.  But I've purchased 3 books during my first week of ownership at a total cost less than the price of a single hard cover.  That means I can read a lot more for my money. 

Believe the ads...Kindle is easy to use and easy to read.  I find I read faster and with quicker comprehension on my Kindle.  I don't get eye strain.  In the week I've had it, I haven't yet needed to recharge it and I've been reading with it daily.  It's comfortable.  No matter where I've used it, I've been able to relax with it.  I don't think I realized how much my desire to read was often impacted by discomfort.

I say again that my Kindle is unlikely to completely replace books.  I have no intention of duplicating anything I already have in my library, just for the easy read it would be on my Kindle.  I think of my Kindle as a companion piece.  It provides an avenue to a book that I want to read, but wouldn't necessarily invest $25 to keep in my stacks.

If you have been considering the purchase of a Kindle, then you have my endorsement.  


  1. Cool... always wanted one since I saw it some time ago. What classic book are you reading, btw?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Barnes and Noble has a free reader and free classics that you can download. I tried it but disliked that they wanted me to provide my credit card for every download, despite them being free.

    I plan to get an iPad soon so will not be getting a Kindle, but I do see value in being able to download books for travel without having to pack all the weight of books.

    I also enjoy my actual books, though I've culled out MOST of them. I'm now down to just one bookcase - JRR Tolkien (I also have the audio books for Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and I'm still 'chewing on' the Silmarillion) The Harry Potter series, The Left Behind series, Luanne Rice, Judy Picoult, John Grisham, Dan Brown, some biblical prophesy and various self-help type books will always be there!

  1. Anonymous says:

    you are so lucky!! I love reading when I get an extra moment. ENJOY!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Trav: Just wanted to put a word it for Project Gutenberg at Without knowing what classics you might be looking for, they could likely be at that site. It's free and they have been formatting books for eReaders, too. I don't have an eReader, but I download their books and just read them on my laptop. You can search by title or author. If it's in public domain, it could very well be available there. GGG

  1. Terra: I highly recommend it if you have the budget. I actually haven't started with classics yet, but I thought I might begin with Dickens.

    Barb: I guess the particular gadget one gets is based on need and comfort. I looked at Ipad, but the screen was no different on my eyes than my laptop screen, and computers promote eye least they do for me.

    AMTG: Lucky and very pleased with this purchase!

    GGG: Thanks for the tip! I'm putting together my list of classics, so even if I don't download from this site it will help me compile titles.

  1. Akelamalu says:

    I love books, as does MWM, so we have lots!

  1. I agree completely. A companion piece for sure. And they have quite a few classics for free on Amazon too. My early experiences with "classics" was much the same as yours, btw.

  1. Good to know! I've always wanted one too. And I'm the same way.... LOVE to have books on my shelf and to feel books in my hand, but there are some books I'd love to read but don't want to have on my shelf. I would really love one of these and I'm glad to hear about your endorsement! Thanks!

  1. my brother owns one and read Dad's book on his...

    Glad you found a new way to allow your love of reading to be satisfied

  1. Marilyn says:

    Was leaning away from a kindle because I wanted to be able to get e-books from places other than amazon, but you make it sound good. Maybe I'll get one.

    I'll vouch for project Gutenberg too... lots of good stuff there.

  1. Anonymous says:

    you broke down and got one... I love mine!

  1. Charles LOVES his Kindle, too (although he did look around a bit for his bookmark accidentally the other day. Force of habit, you know...)

  1. Akelamalu: Lots of books is a good thing!

    Charles: I'm going to remember free classics.

    Clancy: This is going on my list of top 10 all time best purchases.

    V: Thanks for sending the link in email to your Dad's book. I appreciate that.

    Marilyn: There are certainly other options. Kindle turned out to be best for me. I guess I should say I endorse the e-reader technology, and Kindle in particular.

    Lois: I did!

    Lana: HA! I haven't done that yet.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Trav: Good for you! I don't mind where you download from - reading is great. If your reading list leans toward anything international as in some classic Nobel Lit Laureates' work, then here's a link to all the winners:

    The only reason I offer it is because that's been my reading priject for some time now. Some of my all time favs are from these folks.

    Noe: Some awards were for poetry and plays as well as works of fiction and non-fiction.

    But whatever you read, have fun! And enjoy your Kindle!


  1. I feel the same way about my Ipad. I love books too much to ever stop buying them, but I'm finding it's really nice and easy to buy books on the Ipad too. It really comes in handy traveling, you don't have to bring so many books with you now. I was always one of those that had to make sure he had more than enough books, just in case when I was traveling. Now they're all in the Ipad. And I find reading on it is really easy. And like you said, the price of books on the Ipad (or Kindle) really makes a difference.

  1. My husband just got one this week, and he loves it. He's really happy that he got it, and he's really stoked that he can get some of this tech manuals converted from .pdf format to Kindle format. :)

  1. I've been debating the Kindle thing. This helped me understand. Thank you.

  1. j says:

    I have thought about purchasing a Kindle for my husband. I'm really not sure if he would enjoy it or not, considering the amount of time he spends on the computer. Does it bother you at all?

    I first heard about Kindle through Charles Gramlich. Now that I know you like it as well, Kindle is definitely highly recommended.