Wednesday Wonderings
Posted: Thursday, September 23, 2010 by Travis Cody inI wonder if anyone in blogland has ever done a weekly feature called Wednesday Wonderings.
I wonder, if I forgot to post my wonderings on Wednesday, and posted them on Thursday instead, do I have to change them to Thursday Thunks, or can they still be Wednesday Wonderings on Thursday?
I wonder why some folks run the water while washing hands, when modern faucet design and liquid hand soaps make it easy and convenient to conserve. Why not wet hands and turn the water off, lather up, then turn the water back on to quickly rinse off? Physicians advise that a proper hand washing should consist of at least 30 seconds of vigorous lather. Imagine the water you conserve if you turn off the faucet during that 30 seconds instead of letting it run? Try turning the water off when brushing teeth too.
I wonder, if logic and reasoning were taught in our nation's high schools, perhaps as a graduation requirement for all seniors, whether the person who told me the other day that all Raider fans are asshats based on a comment he read on a sports website by a single Raider fan, might have understood that all members of a class of individuals are not represented by the actions of a single member of that class.
I wonder, yet again, why some people think their dislike of something makes them the leading authority on why the thing is bad.
I wonder if there will ever come a day when diversity will be celebrated, rather than hated and feared.
I wonder why having unread emails in my inbox bugs me so much.
I wonder if that's enough wonderings for one Wednesday...I mean thunks on one Thursday.
Interesting wonderings... I'm sure your brain feels much less cluttered now?