That day

Posted: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 by Travis Cody in

It's the day a pet parent dreads but can't avoid.

My dear friend Julie assisted her sweet girl Chloe to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday.  Chloe developed some kind of urinary problem and she failed rapidly.  Julie and her husband made the decision to send Chloe to a place of endless treats and tireless games of throw-the-ball-throw-the-ball-throw-the-ball-throw-the-ball.

Be at peace, sweet girl.

Frolicsome puppy
Bounding, running, chasing tails
Playing in sunshine


  1. Akelamalu says:

    Oh this is sad but it's something that has to be done - I know from experience. :(

  1. Anonymous says:

    Chloe looks like she was a big love, as most labs are. I've found myself in that position too many times in the nearly 40 years of being owned by pets. It's part of the deal; unlimited love and devotion from them in exchange for taking care of their needs, whatever they are.

    forever faithful
    brown bonbon basted with love
    -chocolate kisses

  1. I've had to do this a few times. It's heart wrenching. RIP Chloe. ((hugs)) to Julie and her husband.

  1. Julie says:

    Thanks so much Travis and friends! I love the haiku from both Travis and Barb. It's very special you include my sweet Chloe on your blog. Hugs back dear man.

  1. Wonderful post Travis...

    Now I will go one post below to leave other comments

  1. Anonymous says:

    sad choice
    made with so much love
    heart pet

  1. A sad moment. But a lovely sentiment about the Rainbow bridge. I feel for your friends.

  1. It hurts just as much as the first time. Lovely Chloe is now resting with all the other pets.

  1. Wonderful haiku and wonderful friend you are. Still thinking of Julie...Chloe was a beautiful dog.

  1. Unknown says:

    I just had to send my Cochise,15 years loved, to follow Chloe. RIP Cochise, June 15, 2012.