Dona Nobis Pacem

Posted: Thursday, November 04, 2010 by Travis Cody in

Welcome to the 7th Blog Blast for Peace.  On this day, bloggers from all over the world unite with one voice to spread messages of peace.  The founder of the movement, Mimi Lenox, describes it as "a virtual inscription of hope".

I believe that words have power, so this matters. 


Peace is imperfect.  Do you know why I think that?  Because I think that a state of peace begins within each of us and we are all different.  And because we don't all achieve a state of peace at the same moment or even in the same way.

Some of us are peaceful right now.  Some of us were peaceful yesterday, but are unsettled today.  Some of us haven't been peaceful in awhile, but might be peaceful tomorrow.  Some of us will journey on, looking for peace but not quite finding it.

We do the best we can, but we're not always at peace.  So if we as individuals are not always at peace within ourselves, how can we attain a perfect peace?

Maybe peace isn't meant to be perfect.

That's OK.  In fact, I think maybe it's best if we back off the pressure to create some kind of Utopian ideal of peace.  I once said to a friend of mine that if it's true that I've made even one small mistake every day since I was mature enough to make my own decisions, then I would likely have made more than 10,000 mistakes at that point in my life. 

Imperfect beings are unlikely to create a perfect peace.

But we can have moments.  And maybe those peaceful moments are the real keys to the best peace we can make for ourselves.  And perhaps if we understand the way those moments evolve, we can create them as little pockets of peace around ourselves, even during the most stressful times.  

When we each learn to envelope ourselves in peace, and fall back to that space in times of unrest, then perhaps we can also learn how to ease the boundaries outward, gradually letting the comfort extend to those close to us.  Then they can do the same within their circles.  

Peace ripples.

Is that how peace begins?  Is that how we can actively evolve it?  Is that how we reconcile our natures as emotional and fallible beings to the concept that an imperfect peace is a worthy thing to achieve?

I don't know.  But I am taking the journey.

A Peace Sonnet

An evolution builds within my soul,
Seeking a spirit of oneness and peace,
Cultivating a clearly defin'd role
For myself in this world; not to appease,
No, nor to bind only to my ideal.
Days fill'd with moments we live then consign
To memory, to share or to conceal,
Lost to recall or polish'd to a shine
So bright it cannot fade; these all become
The light of who we are, one but still part
Of all, more alike in essence than some
Accept, though true in body, mind, and heart.
Diversity need not be divisive,
Nor need it be fear'd, if in peace we live.

Edit:  When I posted this last night, I didn't realize that the photo credits somehow got deleted.  The images I used for the Diversity Peace Globe came from searches of Google Images, a combination of a photograph and a graphic that are in the public domain.  However the Rose Globe image comes from the talented eye of Linda Orlomski.  You can find more of her wonderful photographs at the blog Are We There Yet.  Thank you, Linda, for allowing me to use your stunning photograph.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Love your Peace Sonnet, Trav!

    Lord knows, I am imperfect, too! Using your once a day example, I may have made more than 20,000 mistakes!

    Peace to you, my friend.

  1. Anndi says:

    Maybe the "perfect peace" is when it's ok for some of us to have an off day, when it's ok to be a voice of dissent, when it's ok that every single person is different and that they're accepted and embraced for their difference (as annoying as it might be, at times). I do know it's not living in a permanent state of "kumbaya-ness" (If that's not a word, then I'll make it up).


  1. DrillerAA says:

    Peace to you and yours on this day. Very original globe and, as always, a very well composed post.

  1. Unknown says:

    The sonnet is lovely.
    Let there be peace on earth...

  1. 'An evolution builds within my soul,
    Seeking a spirit of oneness and peace,
    Cultivating a clearly defin'd role
    For myself in this world; not to appease'

    Beautiful and powerful, Travis. I love both of your Peace Globes. But you know how partial I am to roses...

    Peace to you and Pam and Mr. Tucker.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow, Trav: Great graphics. Thanks for your peace post. Lots of thought-provoking statements, too.

  1. "Peace ripples." That was my empowering takeaway from your post. This was a lovely celebration of peace, diversity and the impact of the individual. And words of course! Thanks for sharing it.

  1. Travis, this is a beautiful and touching post. Your peace globes are awesome.

    Peace to you and Pam and Mr. TUcker

  1. Excellent post, Travis. If those imperfect moments of peace become habit for most of us, can you imagine the end result? I have learned that perfection is really not as important as progress. For none of us has much hope of being perfect.


  1. Beautifully written and envisioned thoughts about peace. So true that it begins within.

  1. Akelamalu says:

    Wonderful post today for PEACE Trav.

    Peace to you and yours m'dear. x

  1. Your sonnet is indeed beautiful. I know you put much thought and preparation into this post and work. Thank you for blogging peace not just today but everyday with your snippets of wisdom for all of us...and for beeeeeing The Dancing Bee.

    "Imperfect beings are unlikely to create a perfect peace.

    But we can have moments. And maybe those peaceful moments are the real keys to the best peace we can make for ourselves. And perhaps if we understand the way those moments evolve, we can create them as little pockets of peace around ourselves, even during the most stressful times. "


  1. Wonderfully done Sir...Love your Globe, it says so much in such a simple way.

    It has been an honor to take this trip with you once again.

  1. A great posting,Peace be with you and your family.

  1. Great Peace Post Travis!
    Peace be to you my friend!

  1. Lui says:

    I'm joining this year with my hounds. I agree with you. If you create your peace moments it creates a ripple!

  1. j says:

    You continue to inspire me. Peace Travis.

  1. Kate says:

    Found you from the Dona Nobis Pacem. I love your site. I’m going to poke around a little bit, but don’t worry I’ll put everything back where I found it!!

  1. jmb says:

    Great post Travis. Peace be with you and yours.

  1. TopChamp says:

    It is beautiful. The sonnet.

    Currently I am listening to some very lovely music in a nostalgic moment and feel most content reading your words.

  1. Very well said, my friend.


  1. Julie says:

    Wow! This is so cool! I'm loving jumping from globe to globe. You always know what to say..and especially how to say it!

  1. Linda says:

    As I read this, for some reason I thought of the title of a book that I read way back in my freshman year of high school called "A Separate Peace". I think it's because you're right in that we all are peaceful in different times and in different ways - separately perhaps - but when all of those separate peaces come together to become a part of the whole it's truly a wonderful thing.

    I am honored to have had you use one of my images for your peace globe - truly.

  1. Ferd says:

    ... and if our political leaders could achieve this sort of peace, to be able to step back at critical moments and find their kumbaya-ness, maybe we could avoid the conflicts that lead to wars and death.

    Great thoughts, Travis. Thank you!

  1. I love your peace globe but I love your post even more.

    "But we can have moments. And maybe those peaceful moments are the real keys to the best peace we can make for ourselves. And perhaps if we understand the way those moments evolve, we can create them as little pockets of peace around ourselves, even during the most stressful times."

    This really spoke to me. I get frustrated for not being able to attain peace easily... maybe I should relax and appreciate those "little pockets" more.

  1. Carver says:

    This was an excellent post for peace Travis. Wishing you and yours all the best. Peace!

  1. Thanks for the visit and sharing the peace, your sonnet is lovely!

  1. KimT says:

    Love the sonnet, love your ideas - and you're right, peace isn't about perfection.

  1. Great Globe, awesome post! I like the line, "Diversity need not be divisive, Nor need it be fear'd, if in peace we live",

  1. Nessa says:

    You are right. If everyone tried a tiny bit each day we'd all be better off.

  1. Love your idea of an imperfect peace! Excellent. Thank you for visiting my blog. May peace come to everyone, soon.

  1. Arlene says:

    Hi Travs, thank you for droppiung by my paece globe. I also did try to visit some during this weekend. I wish there is more 8 hrs to the 24 hrs so that i can sleep. Work is like that for me this time. :(

    I love the peace ripples.

  1. Marg says:

    What a wonderful peace post. I have really enjoyed reading all the Peace posts. Take care and have a great day.

  1. Love it.

    Thanks for stopping By

  1. Michelle says:

    Travis... that was thoughtful and smart and so darn beautiful. Bravo!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I think you nailed it - we're imperfect, so how can expect a perfect peace? I love the Peace Ripples image. Wonderful post!

  1. RA says:

    Peace ripples sounds truly appealing to my heart. I love your touching post about peace. If everyone could come to their peaceful moments would be wonderful. Dona Nobis Pacem. Bless you.