Dona Nobis Pacem

Posted: Thursday, November 05, 2009 by Travis Cody in

Welcome to the third annual, and the sixth overall, Blog Blast for Peace Day, founded by Mimi Lenox of Mimi Writes. There's still time for you to grab a Peace Globe and participate with us. Just click on any of the links to the right at the top of my sidebar for more information on how to join us.

I've written a lot of words about Peace on past Blog Blast Days. Today I remind you of some of those words. The words stand even now. You know why? Because I believe that words have power. And so the words matter, in whatever composition I present them.

On 6 June 2007, on the 63rd commemoration of the Normandy landings during World War II, I wrote my first Peace post. I asked questions.

Should we not defend what is ours from those who would try and take it from us? Should we not come to the aid of those who ask us to help them defend what is theirs? Should we not stand in defiance of tyranny and oppression?

Do we take a stand? Draw lines in the sand? Cross a line drawn by others?

Is there a way to be who we are, and cherish what we have, and believe what we will, in peace with others who may be different, and cherish different things than we, and believe something we don't understand?

Can we exist happily and peacefully, rejoicing in the infinite diversity of life on this planet we share?

We must write, and read, and speak words about peace. And we must listen as well. And we must never be afraid to consider another way. Today's reality does not have to be tomorrow's.

On 7 November 2007, I wrote that Peace needs advocates and voices and action. I told you that I must have accountability from the people who make decisions in my name.

It is our right and our duty as citizens of this country to speak, whether in agreement or in opposition. We elect our leaders and they are accountable to us. We are not required to, nor should we ever, allow any elected official free reign to run roughshod over that right.

When I disagree, I'm allowed to say so. I'm allowed to demonstrate. I'm allowed to protest. It doesn't mean I don't love my country. It doesn't mean I don't appreciate Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines who defend my rights. It doesn't mean I'm not a Patriot.

It simply means that I am exercising my rights in an effort to improve my lot and the lot of my fellow citizens. That is Patriotic. That is American.

If there was no activism in America, there would be no United States. Can it be any more plain than that?

On 4 June 2008, it was A Revolution of Words. I put the words on my Peace Globe. I keep the words in my thoughts. I offer the words to any who will listen. I hope that those who don't know how to listen will someday hear the words.

I freely admit to being an idealist. I believe that words have power. I believe that one person can make a difference.


Because one person can carry a message to another. And so ideas spread.

Revolution is made of ideas and I tell you again that today's reality doesn't have to be tomorrow's.

On 6 November 2008, change came. I made declarations. I evolved. I renewed my commitment to something greater than myself.
We have difficult challenges ahead of us. And it will take all of us to face those challenges, and to overcome them. We must rely on each other. We must not divide ourselves into small factions. We must embrace our differences and listen to each other. We must come together and heal.

We must have a unity of purpose that respects and encourages ideas. No one has the one true vision. But we must participate in the process and drive our nation forward.

Let it be about hope. Let the hope lead to positive actions to the betterment of all.

Citizenship is hard work and it demands your constant attention. I have found the strength of my convictions. I own those convictions. That strength guides me in my work for Peace in this world.

Today, 5 November 2009, as I look back on what I have written, I am content. I am serene. And yet, I'm also feisty. I'm pugnacious.

I am not discouraged by those who still traffic in fear and disharmony. I am not daunted by those who dwell on what is not rather than finding the potential in what can be. I feel energized by the positive work I see in my community. And I am part of that work.

I am an advocate for Peace. I am a voice for Peace. I am an activist for Peace.

Every day.

The words on my Peace Globe are in my soul. Diversity need not be divisive if we embrace a unity of purpose fueled by compassion and respect. We're really not all that different.

We are more than our skin color. More than our sexual orientation. More than our gender. More than the borders that compartmentalize us. More than a collection of individuals. Certainly we are more than our politics and more than our religions, or lack of same.

We are community. We are one world.

I am a Peace blogger. I am an idealist. I am a citizen of the world.

Dona Nobis Pacem.


  1. j says:

    As ALWAYS, well said Travis.


  1. Debra says:

    And I am your friend. Great post! Blessings

  1. Great post, Travis. Have a great Blogblast today.

  1. I liked your review of peace posts. A happy Blogblast to you.

  1. I forgot!!! Thanks for the reminder.

  1. Thank goodness for the idealists and the romantics in the world. It is wonderful to come to a place and find one man living the words of Marcus Aurelius:

    "If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."

    Dona Nobis Pacem

  1. Julie says:

    You are all those things....and you are amazing! Love, hugs and peace dear man.

  1. Anndi says:

    They really do matter, these words of yours.

    Have a great day, bro.

  1. ((hugs)) to you, my serenely pugnacious idealist friend!

    Thanks for your recap of your previous peace globes - the anticipation builds as we head to this year's!

    The Blog Blast for Peace brought me to you when I asked you if I could post your gorgeous rose globe over at my blog. And I'm forever grateful.

    Peace to you, Travis.

  1. Unknown says:

    This is a wonderful Blogblast for Peace post, Trav! More than wonderful, it is excellent! Thank you, my friend!

  1. Good post. Peace to you.

  1. Indeed you own those words and they are imprinted on your soul as you so eloquently and passionately wrote. I could sense your transformation and conviction throughout the timeline of evolution in this post.
    You ARE a patriot and a citizen and peacemaker and also...a remarkable human being.

    Well done.
    Well said.

    Peace to you and Pam and Mr.Tucker, my most exceptional friends.


  1. Travis, wonderful thoughts, marvelous quotes, beautiful peace globes. I'm really glad today we are friends in peace! :)

  1. Best of luck. I'm afraid I might be on the other side of the equasion--I'm growing more convinced that the revolution needs to start...soon.

  1. Yes, my worked perfectly.

    The combining of new and re-speaking the old words allows us to feel complete.

    Very well done!

  1. Carver says:

    This was a wonderful post and I liked seeing all of your past globes. All good words and thoughts. Peace to you and yours, Carver

  1. peace trav!

    smiles, bee

  1. Outstanding post, Travis.

  1. Daisy says:

    Well said! I felt your words inside my heart. Peace to you!

  1. Wonderful post!
    Peace! One day for sure!

  1. Marilyn says:

    you are also inspirational.

  1. Anonymous says:

    These words bear repeating... often!

    One voice. One heart. One prayer. Peace xo

  1. Akelamalu says:

    Oh well done Trav, that is a great post! Peace to you and yours m'dear. x

  1. Raven says:

    Beautifully said. Standing up and cheeering. I especially love your new segment, though it was wonderful to read through past thoughts and see all your wonderful globes. Well done. I too have hope - most days. Peace!

  1. Excellent post Travis, thanks for stopping by, sadly, some people at ft hood screwed this day up for me. Peace my friend.

  1. Excellent post Travis, thanks for stopping by, sadly, some people at ft hood screwed this day up for me. Peace my friend.

  1. Great post!

    "I hope that those who don't know how to listen will someday hear the words."

    Well said. Peace :)

  1. Great posting.I really enjoyed looking at all you globes.

  1. As usual, Trav, you are the master at putting your feelings, and the feelings of so many others, into powerful words.

    Dona Nobis Pacem, my friend.

  1. Dianne says:

    I liked seeing each of the globes, they are all lovely Trav

  1. Carletta says:

    'We must never be afraid to consider another way.' - powerful words.
    You write passionately of what you believe and it makes me too, believe.
    Hope you and yours have had a peaceful and joyful day!

  1. Kimmie says:

    I believe one person can make a difference also. Beautifully written post Travis. I enjoyed all the segments and viewing your past Peace globes. Thank You for sharing the way you did today.

    Peace my friend.

  1. That was an excellent post Travis. You said a lot and you said it wonderfully =)

  1. I am a Peace blogger. I am an idealist. I am a citizen of the world.

    One would think that all would want the same, eh?

    Wonderful post...

  1. Felicitas says:

    What a wonderful post! I share your idealism and love the sentiments posted on your many peace globes.

  1. Ferd says:

    Most excellent, Travis.
    Great thoughts, and great example.
    Peace to you and yours!

  1. Ivanhoe says:

    I love how your globes evolved in last three years.
    Love and peace from one world citizen to another :o)

  1. you are feisty and pugnacious!

    wonderful words Travis....thank you.

  1. I wish more people thought and lived their lives so dedicated to Peace as you do.

    I embrace the idea to celebrate the differences and to see the good in all people.

    I am an Idealist as well.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice message.

    Peace and love to you and yours,

  1. Karen Jo says:

    Very well said, Travis. Peace to you and yours.

  1. Yea, you are a peace blogger for sure! What a great contribution both this year, and the last once - with very nice globes too!

    Thanks for the visit and nice comment on mine too!

    Peace to you and yours :-)

  1. Great post and excellent peace globes. Peace to you.

  1. Sanni says:

    I can't thank you enough for this powerful, outstanding post, Trav!

    May Peace be with you and your loved ones today and always...

  1. Shiloh says:

    Travis I loved this post, and I agreed with everything you said. You are a powerful wordsmith, and what you said reminded me of a poem I wrote a few years back. If you'd like to read it, you can find it here: .

    Dona Nobis Pacem!

  1. GLOGIRLY says:

    Hi Travis,
    I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on peace over the years. This is my first year blogging and my first blogblast for peace. Thank you for stopping by my blog and thank you for your words. Yes, they DO matter!

  1. Thanks for stopping over at my blog. I think I left a comment on a previous post. Love all of your designs.

  1. Wow, the only thing I can say is that I couldn't quit nodding yes as I was reading your post. Totally inspiring and true!

  1. Michelle says:

    Wow Travis. That was superb.

    Belated Peace Globe day best wishes to you.

  1. Ingrid says:

    I am a peace blogger too ! After over seventy million people, the majority civilians, were killed in the last war, the world leaders should fight themselves in a ring if they don't support peace !

  1. LOVE your message in a bottle! Great post!
    May there be PEACE on earth!
    Brightest of Blessings to All!
    oxo ~*~ Patty

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh my goodness you write so much from the heart and so well that I found myself nodding along as I read. I agree....Thank you for visiting my very modest globe...

  1. I really enjoyed your peace post today and all your lovely graphics. You definitely leave me with much to consider. ~ Calico Contemplations

  1. Robin says:

    Beautiful post.

    I wish you peace. I wish all of us peace.

  1. Anonymous says:

    stunning post!!!

    peace to everyone..

  1. Tink says:

    Great globes, great words...
    Peace and blessings to you and yours!

  1. Nessa says:

    Very good contribution to the peace movement.

    Sunny Sunday #5 - Paper Sol

  1. Janna says:

    Sending belated but still peaceful thoughts your way.

    Please don't send any snow to Michigan this year.

  1. Marcia says:

    You are a peace blogger, Travis, and you put it all out there. Your, our words, do make a difference, I am sure of it.

  1. nelson says:

    wow, very well said... and i like the pic of the bottle in the beach... btw, tnx for dropping by my site

  1. AngelBaby says:

    Wonderful, just wonderful. I love all of you beautiful peace globes. Great post!

    Love and Blessings,

  1. Patti says:

    Wonderful post. I hope you were not too discouraged by those who signed the linky then did not post a peace globe. I feel bad because my husband and I ran out of time and used previous globes. We wanted to participate and support Mimi's efforts.

    Interesting combination, being peaceful and pugnacious. ;-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  1. Great words!
    Thank you for your post.
    Peace to you.